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Hello! 👋


I'm Jen, an author and freelance word witch. Words are my magic. ✨ So if you've got words that need working, let me at 'em!

In a past life, I was a tech worker with a focus on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Before that, I was an academic (my PhD is in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics). For over a decade, I lived and worked in the realms of science and math, but vacationed in worlds fictional, fantastical, and sometimes romantic. In October 2019, I took the leap into full-time fiction writing, which resulted in three books and the most rewarding year of my career to date. 

For the next part of my journey, I'd love to join a company that espouses values that align with my own—like sustainability, diversity, and kindness—in a role where I can utilize my creativity to promote a brand that I believe in.

If you're reading this page, then I'm ready to take things to the next level with you. ❤️

Work Experience


2019 - 2021


Sunnyvale, CA

2018 - 2019

Petuum, Inc.

Sunnyvale, CA

2017 - 2018


Pittsburgh, PA

Author. In the past year and a half, I've self-published three full-length novels. I read and write quickly and work well under time pressure. I'm intimately familiar with the end-to-end process of story ideation, drafting, editing, publishing, and marketing, and have written blog posts, newsletters, and social media posts to promote my books and author brand. But it hasn't been a solo venture—I've worked with editors, beta readers, a cover designer (my husband!) and book reviewers within the Bookstagram community. 

Freelance Editor & Copywriter. In between writing books, I enjoy picking up miscellaneous jobs on UpWork, where I have a perfect five-star rating. I've written marketing emails and articles, proofread novels, translated poetry, and more. See below for samples

Program Manager. Petuum, Inc. builds software that allows businesses to train and serve custom machine learning models for a variety of use cases. As the first Program Manager in a company of nearly 200, it was up to me to determine how best to streamline our processes and promote cross-team communication so that nothing slipped through the cracks. I'm a great team player and excellent at juggling multiple priorities. 

Director of Operations. CleanRobotics is the company behind the TrashBot, a smart waste receptacle that uses computer vision to automatically sort recycling from landfill waste. As one of five people on the team, I did everything—soldering, troubleshooting, coding, pitching, video editing, marketing, and overall, hustling. I did what needed to get done, and I will bring this can-do attitude and willingness to learn to wherever I land next.


Creative? Bold?

That's me!


I'm tech-savvy and excellent at generating ideas, especially when it comes to words and visual media, and I've used these skills to build an organic following within the Bookstagram community. The posts below give you a sense of the breadth of content that I've created. My personal brand is probably sillier and more free-form than yours, but I hope that my thoughtfulness, inventiveness, and wit shine through. 

I also have a presence on TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and ClubHouse, but Bookstagram is home.





Looking Forward!

(610) 389-6462

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